Obstetrics and Gynecology – OB/GYN « BACK TO HEALTH SERVICES LIST



大多数人认为OB/GYN是你看的怀孕和孕前护理医生. And while that’s partially accurate, 更全面的情况是,你的妇产科医生可以提供高质量的护理,专门研究女性健康. 这可以包括您的整体医疗保健的广泛和全面的方面. 这就是为什么许多女性会选择妇产科医生作为她们的主要护理提供者. 这意味着你可以去看你的妇产科医生进行年度检查,并密切关注定期的健康问题.

At Yankton Medical Clinic, we are women’s healthcare experts. We regularly see women and girls of all ages. 而且这里的妇产科医生比扬克顿和弗米利恩地区的任何诊所都多, we’re able to deliver high-quality care quickly, compassionately, 有效地——这样你就可以花更少的时间担心你的健康,更多的时间过你的生活.


Avera Sacred Heart Hospital Registration Form
OB- Over the Counter Medications for Obstetrics Patients- English
OB- Over the Counter Medications for Obstetrics Patients- Spanish
Patient Education


What are Obstetrics and Gynecology?

妇产科是对妇女特有疾病的内科和外科治疗. This can include regular examinations, pap smears, infertility treatment, family planning, and care of women before, during, and after childbirth.  An OB/GYN specializes in both obstetrics and gynecology. 

Obstetrics includes:

  • Pregnancy
  • Labor
  • Childbirth
  • Postpartum care


  • Vagina
  • Uterus
  • Ovaries
  • Fallopian tubes


General physical exams 

Your typical physical exam could include:

  • Providing a simple urine sample for analysis
  • A pelvic exam (both internal and external)
  • A breast exam
  • A pap smear. 

While guidelines 根据年龄的不同,许多女性选择每年进行一次身体检查. 这有助于你和你的医生保持你的整体健康. Not every physical exam will be the same from year to year (for example, 巴氏涂片检查仅建议每三年进行一次,但根据风险因素,可能需要更频繁地进行。.

Gynecological surgery 

In some cases, the treatment of certain ailments may require surgery. Many gynecological surgeries can be performed on an outpatient basis. When this is the case, 患者可以选择在Yankton医疗诊所门诊手术中心(ASC)进行门诊手术。. Our ASC provides added comfort, convenience, and care.

Contraception education and placement

今天有各种各样的避孕疗法和选择, from birth control pills to the patch to an IUD. 你的妇产科医生可以帮助你根据你的目标和生活方式选择最好的避孕方法. 在某些情况下,您的避孕措施可能需要由您的妇产科医生放置(例如,使用宫内节育器)。. 这可以安排在您的年度访问或在一个特定的预约.

Pre-conceptual counseling 

怀孕可能是你生命中的一段快乐时光,但它也是一种严重的疾病. As a result, our OB/GYNs are available for pre-conceptual counseling. During these appointments you’ll be able to discuss:

  • Your medical history
  • Your overall risk factors 
  • Risk factors that may be present for your baby
  • Any medical conditions you may have
  • Lifestyle changes that could improve your pregnancy


Prenatal care, including high-risk pregnancies 

Prenatal care is the care you receive while you are pregnant. 获得正确的产前护理可以帮助你将怀孕和分娩相关的风险和并发症降到最低. During high-risk pregnancies, 你可能需要更多的产前护理和监护. 我们的妇产科团队将全程陪伴您,为您提供产前护理.

Infertility counseling, testing, and care 

Infertility can occur for a wide variety of reasons. 你的妇产科医生可以帮助你确定病因并找到正确的治疗方法. 这个过程可能包括身体检查、超声波检查或激素测试.

Fertilization options 

不孕症是一种特别令人沮丧和紧张的情况. For some women, drug therapies can offer a possible solution. For example, 某些激素可以帮助促进排卵,增加成功受孕的机会. 你的妇产科医生可以帮助你解决生育问题,并在必要时将你推荐给专科医生.

Genetic testing and counseling 

基因检测和筛查可以帮助你确定你是否有明显的或遗传的风险患上某些疾病. Genetic counseling can help you understand and contextualize those risks. This is usually performed to determine hereditary cancer risks, 但当你怀孕或正在考虑怀孕时,基因检测也很常见. 

你的妇产科医生和遗传咨询师可以帮助你确定基因检测是否有用, accurate, or warranted–and what you should do with the information once you have it.

Sexually transmitted infection testing and counseling 

性传播感染(STIs)带来了大量的耻辱和情感负担. Your OB/GYN will be able to provide screenings for STIs. Many STIs can be treated by simple treatment, such as an antibiotic. Other STIs require more intense or longer-term therapies. 你的妇产科医生将能够筛查性传播感染,并提供必要的治疗或咨询.

Menopausal disorders including hormone replacement therapy, osteoporosis 

在围绝经期和停经期,随着荷尔蒙的变化,你的身体会发生重大变化. Your OB/GYN can help you manage many of the symptoms of this transition. This includes hormone therapies, when safe and warranted. Your OB/GYN can also help you monitor typical symptoms of perimenopause, including osteoporosis, depression, and more.

Menstrual disorders including irregular menses, PMS, and painful menses 

Your menstrual cycle is a normal part of life. But sometimes your menstrual cycle can lead to uncomfortable symptoms. Your OB/GYN can help you monitor, manage, and mitigate those symptoms.

Patient Education 

There’s a lot to know about your own body! 你的妇产科医生可以帮助你找到最健康、最好的生活方式. This could include nutritional information, contraceptive information, cancer screening information, and more. Your OB/GYN is here to help you get to know your body better.

Self-breast exam education

Self-breast exams are a critical part of early cancer detection. But they can be less effective if you aren’t sure how to do them. 你的妇产科医生可以给你一个快速的指导,以及一个容易遵循的注意事项清单.


As you age, you may lose calcium content in your bones. 这会使你的骨骼密度降低,变得更脆弱——这种情况被称为骨质疏松症. 有维生素补充剂和药物疗法可以帮助治疗骨质疏松症, preventing debilitating breaks in the future.

Hormone replacement 

激素替代疗法可以帮助你处理各种问题,包括围绝经期. But HRT isn’t for everybody. 与你的妇产科医生交谈可以帮助你强调激素替代疗法的好处和可能的缺点.

Here for Your Healthcare Needs

无论你的妇产科医生是你的初级保健医生,还是与你的初级保健医生一起工作,他们都是你整体医疗保健的重要组成部分. 所以,如果你有一段时间没有去拜访好女人了,现在是安排一次的最佳时机.

通过访问我们的 locations page.

For appointments at Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C.: 605-665-5538 

For appointments at Vermillion Medical Clinic: 605-624-8643



Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C.

1104 West Eighth Street
Yankton, SD 57078

Main Clinic Number:

Medical Records Fax

Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. – Noon

ConvenientCare Hours
Appointments Required

Monday – Friday
5 – 7 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday
Noon – 3 p.m.

Bon Homme Family Practice Clinic

2318, 410 W 16th Ave,
Tyndall, SD 57066

For Appointments: 605-589-3322

Freeman Regional Health Services

Rural Medical Clinic – Freeman
804 Walnut St.
Freeman, SD 57029

For Appointments: 605-925-4219

Santee Outreach Clinic

110 S. Visiting Eagle St,
Niobrara, NE 68760

For Appointments: 402-857-2300

Wagner Indian Health System

111 Washington Ave NW,
Wagner, SD 57380

For Appointments: 605-384-3621

Avera Gregory Hospital

400 Park Ave,
Gregory, SD 57533

For Appointments: 605-835-8394

Avera St. Anthony’s Hospital Specialty Clinic

300 N 2nd St,
O’Neill, NE 68763

For Appointments: 402-336-5122

Vermillion Medical Clinic

101 South Plum Street,
Vermillion, SD 57069

For Appointments:

Click Here for Self-Scheduling

Fax: 605-624-2362

Clinic Hours
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.


Wagner Community Memorial Hospital

513 3rd St,
Wagner, SD 57380

For Appointments:

Dr. Brent Adams, Orthopedics


Dr. Byron Nielsen, Nephrology



Did you know you should see your OBGYN at least once a year?
